Saturday, February 18, 2012

Again? Really?

We have this NASTY little stomach bug going around our house right now.  I have been cleaning up puke all week long!  Christiana had it last weekend but not as bad as the boys.  I thought we were ok on Tues, everyone made it to school and I took my kids out to dinner for Valentine's day (hubby is on the road) and we had a great time.  I did however notice that Gabriel was looking a little on the pale side when we were leaving the restaurant.  At around 11 pm Christiana came running downstairs yelling that Gabriel threw up all over her and my room!  I thought she was exaggerating a little until I walked upstairs!  OH. MY. GOD!  It was everywhere.  I cleaned the sheets, gave him a bath and laid down with him downstairs for the night (we didn't get any sleep).  It lasted till Thurs evening and he was great on Fri.  We had a good day Friday besides our weekend road trip being postponed until around 3am.  Gregory woke me up to tell me that Jeremiah threw up all over their room.  They have bunk beds and Jeremiah basically got as far as his head hanging over the side of the top bunk.  They are typical teenage boys who have a disaster area for a room so this was even worse!  I feel like my week has been...puke, wash, repeat!  So far I have not gotten it but I have a monstrous migraine!  This has been the focus of my week.  Not the fact that my van broke down and we have no vehicle, not the fact that I am trying to get thru some emotional stuff, not the fact that I'm suppose to be in TX right now enjoying time with my kids and other family, not the fact that I have barely spoken to my hubby because he's been working so hard, I just want to finish cleaning up all the puke and sterilize my place!  Next week WILL be better!  I am so thankful that I am lucky and blessed enough to be home with my babies and know that I am here when they need me (whatever that might entail)!   

Monday, February 13, 2012

A little time

Well, tomorrow is Valentine's Day but my hubby won't be here.  I know he would if he could but he's out on the road!  I'm happy that I will at least get to spend it with my kids.  I've been trying to make more one on one time for each of them but tomorrow will be a "group" date!  I might take them out to dinner (somewhere close since my van is broke down).  Hopefully, I will find a trustworthy place to take my van to also.  I really hope it won't cost me to much, but I need it to run until I can get something else! 

     So, last week, I took Jeremiah on our one on one date.  We went to a play (Beauty and the Beast) that Lincoln Christian School put on and then we went to dinner!  It was a fantastic night!  I love getting to spend time with him.  He is such an amazing young man.  He is so funny and always makes me laugh, he's that guy that's always trying to lighten the mood or just make everyone smile.  I got to see his face light up when he was watching the play, you see, he has recently discovered his love for theatrical arts.  He started taking drama classes at school and loved it.  It was such a fitting date.  I loved every minute of it.  I always enjoy my time with him and I wish we had more of it!  Every time I look at him, I see that sweet lovable baby boy with the big brown eyes and long eyelashes!  I remember cuddling with him all the time and now, he's to old for that but I still miss it!  I'm just glad I get time with him!  I love you Jeremiah and thank you for being you!